Striped bass numbers trouble salmon anglers

K. BRYANNAH JAMES                                Miramichi Leader                          March 27, 2014 Miramichi – Local anglers are still reeling from the Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s stance on striped bass fishing in the area and are looking to voice their concerns once again about the ripple effect it’s having on other species in Miramichi river systems. With that…

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DFO Study on Bass Angling in 2013

After having been closed for 13 years, a recreational fishery for Striped Bass with provisions for two retention periods was opened in 2013 in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. DFO Gulf Ecosystems and Fisheries Management branch requested a compilation of the recreational fishery information and an update on the size of the spawning stock…

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DFO Changes to Salmon Angling for 2014

Moncton, NB – March 20, 2014 – Fisheries and Oceans Canada wishes to inform the public of important changes in the management of Atlantic salmon recreational angling in New Brunswick. The management changes are the following: The expansion of the catch and release measures on the Northwest Miramichi River system;From June 1 until July 31,…

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New President for NB Salmon Council

MSA Director Debbie Norton was elected President of the NB Salmon Council at their AGM on Saturday. The Salmon Council is the New Brunswick affiliate of the Atlantic Salmon Federation and acts as the representative body of twenty-six (26) affiliated conservation oriented organizations from all parts of the Province of New Brunswick     interested in the…

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Manley Price to Receive Lieutenant Governor’s Award

MSA Board Chairman Manley Price will be awarded the prestigious Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Atlantic Salmon Conservation for 2014 by the New Brunswick Salmon Council. If you are at all able, please set aside the evening of May 14 and join us at the NBSC Fredericton Dinner to congratulate Manley for this well deserved award.…

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