Trap numbers for Thursday October 4th

Though not as good as yesterday, numbers are still better than this time last week :-). The crew caught 8 salmon and 2 grilse in the Millerton trap today and at Cassilis there were 4 salmon and 1 grilse.

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Fish in the Southwest!!

Finally some good news from the Millerton trap – Wednesday’s catch in Millerton included 11 salmon and 17 grilse. There were also 90 bass so there was a big movement of fish last night. Cassilis remained steady with 2 salmon and 4 grilse being caught.

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Barrier numbers as of September 30th

Again last week there were very few new fish at the Northwest and Dungarvon Barriers. With an increase though in the numbers of fish being caught at the traps we look forward to bigger increases to come. Five new fish moved in at  the Northwest Barrier giving a total of 294 compared to 980 (up…

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Cassilis Trap Numbers Up; Millerton Down

The Cassilis trap seems to be steadily increasing in numbers of salmon and grilse being caught each day. The Millerton trap however seems to be trailing off. The weekend catch is as follows:   Cassilis Millerton Saturday       1 Grilse   1 Salmon       3 Grilse   2 Salmon       Sunday 2 Grilse   4 Salmon 1 Grilse…

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