The MSA US Winter Event is happening February 22nd. To learn more and to purchase tickets click the link below.

Over the winter Atlantic salmon eggs are cared for at the Miramichi Salmon Conservation Centre as part of our Stocking Program. To learn more visit the link below.


If you notice any suspicious activity, please call DFO’s 24-hour reporting line at

River Cam

View our live river cam video feed from Bullock’s Lodge in Boiestown, New Brunswick.

Public Pools

We maintain a list of known and accessible public pools with maps and directions.

The Leaper

Our monthly newsletter keeps our supporters informed on everything happening with the MSA.


Barrier Numbers August 20th – 26th, 2012

Barrier numbers are still low in comparison to the same time last year at both the Northwest and the Dungarvon Barriers. Salmon and grilse now total 269 (up 11 from last week) at  the Northwest Barrier compared to 810 the same time last year. Brook trout numbers are down as well. Totals as of August…


Halifax Reception – Everyone Welcome

MSA will be hosting a reception at the Ramada Park Place Hotel in Dartmouth on Thursday, September 6th, 2012, the purpose of which is to invite current members from Nova Scotia, and their guests, to get together and learn more about the MSA mission and its commitment to and respect of the long history of…