MSA Photo Contest Rules


  1. Contest opens April 15th, 2024 and closes October 15, 2024.
  2. Limited to 2 images per contest category per photographer (a total of 8 images).
  3. Photographs should be at least 1MegaByte (1,000KB) or more in size.
  4. Photographs must have been taken within the Miramichi watershed.
  5. Photographs cannot have been altered through Photoshop or other similar image-enhancing software.
  6. In submitting any photograph, you are giving the MSA the rights to reproduce the image in MSA communications and/or marketing materials only and the MSA will endeavour to give corresponding photo credit whenever the image is used. MSA usage rights includes cropping, colour alteration, etc.
  7. Winners will be announced and prizes distributed no later than November 15th, 2024.
  8. Any and all determinations and decisions by the contest judges are final.