Salmon and Grilse numbers still down at barriers as of July 15th

The numbers of salmon and grilse that have landed at the Northwest and Dungarvon Barriers are still down in comparison to the same time last year.

The Northwest Barrier has seen only 176 salmon and grilse compared to 611 the same time last year. Brook trout numbers are down as well. Totals as of July 15th are shown below.

  Grilse  (to 63 cm) Small Salmon (64-84 cm)  Large Salmon (>84 cm)   Total Small &  Large    All  Atlantic Salmon Brook Trout
2012 Total to Date     68      60     48     108     176   724
Previous Year     444      110     57     167    611   1142


Grilse and salmon numbers are both low at the Dungarvon Barrier with only 164 in total arriving at the barrier as of July 15th compared to 572 the same time last year. Brook trout numbers are up compared to last year with 54 arriving to date compared to 24 in 2011.

  Grilse  (to 63 cm) Small Salmon (64-84 cm)  Large Salmon (>84 cm)   Total Small &  Large    All  Atlantic Salmon Brook Trout
2012 Total to Date
    95      20      49     69      164    54
Previous Year     391      54      127     181     572    24


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