Fredericton Dinner to Honour Betty Fitzpatrick

This year the MSA 17th Annual Fredericton Conservation Dinner is again honouring an individual who has served the cause of conservation with great distinction.  We hold our friend Betty Fitzpatrick in fond affection and with great respect as we honour a true “Face of the Miramichi”!

Betty Fitzpatrick

Fredericton Dinner Honouree Betty Fitzpatrick

Long a member of the Miramichi Salmon Association, and a key member of the Fredericton Dinner Committee since its beginnings in 1996, Betty is truly a well-known Miramichi personality.  Born in Chatham along the banks of the river, Betty’s father (who she thinks secretly wanted a boy – in those days he felt it was more fitting for a son to accompany him on his many fishing and hunting adventures) – never failed to take her along, and to his great pride, Betty soon became a master of the rod and gun at an early age.

Over the years, Betty maintained the love of these sports and can claim a long list of places she has visited to put these skills to work.  She is not new to places like Larry’s Gulch, Slate Island, Upper Oxbow, Rocky Brook and both Ted Williams’ and Warren Duncan’s camps, to name a few.  A part-owner of a family camp on the Cains River, as well as being a member of the Hinchey Lodge in Bloomfield Ridge and Oriole Club on Barnettville Road in Blackville, Betty takes every opportunity she can to get out on the river.  A registered guide,  she is also a member of the Trappers Association; and an instructor for the Hunter Education and Firearm Safety Courses.

By profession, Betty has enjoyed a 41-year career in the real estate business – and doing very well at it.  She was named “Realtor of the Year”, an honour bestowed upon her by being elected by other members of the real estate board in the City of Fredericton; as well as the recipient of the Dave Hawkins Award, a highly prestigious provincial real estate recognition.   A Member of the Management Board of the Canadian Real Estate Association, Honorary Member of both the Fredericton Real Estate Board, and the New Brunswick Real Estate Board, as well as membership in other associations such as Ducks Unlimited, Ruffed Grouse Society, IODE, Rotary, Woodmen’s Museum, Atlantic Salmon Museum, Fredericton Chamber of Commerce, Betty has proven to be a major force of active assistance and sound judgement on many fronts.  Her talents are many and she enjoys dabbling in oil painting, and belongs to a creative writing club.

 MSA is extremely honoured to have you join in celebrating and honouring Betty Fitzpatrick on this occasion together with her family, friends, colleagues, clients and sports.  Betty is a prime example of living an active, healthy and outdoor life, which is evident in the “joie de vivre” she exemplifies whether on the river, in the camps, at the hunting grounds or negotiating a real estate deal.  The Fredericton Dinner has always been a forum to pay tribute to greatly deserving people.  There can be no doubt that the long and dedicated service of Betty Fitzpatrick, and of those honoured before her, have been well marked on the pages of MSA’s history.  As a wonderful bonus to that main purpose, the overall dinners have been successful in terms of fundraising for future MSA work.  There is a strong spirit of cooperation and commitment clearly evident among all who share in these events.  We especially thank Betty for her role in serving as a fine steward of the Miramichi River and its precious Atlantic salmon resource, and thank you for being with us to share in this special tribute. 

The dinner will be held at the Fredericton Inn on Wednesday, September 19th, 2012. To reserve tickets, please contact Jo-Anne Linton at the Fredericton office 506-457-2220.