Correction made to DFO Pool Closures

DFO has issued another variation order that includes a correction and a clarification to the previous closures.

The initial variation order included:

               Waters of the Southwest Miramichi River surrounding the pump house located at N 46.86483, W 65.67698 (WGS 84)

This has been removed and the correction included as:             

               The waters of Renous River to a point 100 meters off shore from 100 meters upstream to 100 meters downstream of the pump house located at grid reference 20T 285909E 5187384N

 Also a clarification has been made to the following:

               The water of Cains River, 100 meters downstream of the mouth of Otter Brook to a line drawn from grid reference 20T 288745E 5169162N to grid reference 20T 288721E 5169075N up to 100 meters upstream of the mouth of the said brook to a line drawn from grid reference 20T 289000E 5169261N to grid reference 20T 289068E 5169198N, an area locally known as Brophy’s Place.

 To view the variation order click 059-2012 All species angling NB – close 15 salmon pools