Main Southwest Miramichi River


GPS Coordinates:
46.45901, -66.41741



About the Pool:
This stretch is located approximately 400ft upstream from Burnt Land Brook and 400 ft below the mouth of Taxis River. Altogether, is it about 800ft of frontage. The stretch offers decent angling when fish are moving in June and July, and can offer great fall fishing. Fishing at this stretch is better from a canoe or boat in high water, but the stretch can be waded and fished from the island-side.


Park past the Gateway of Hope Church, near the river at the lower end of the pool. The trailhead is located next to a large, white pine tree. The trail leads over the hill.


To our knowledge, this pool is open to the public. When fishing what you believe to be public water, please respect the rights of private property owners. If you see a “No Fishing” sign or if you are challenged, please leave and report the incident to the Miramichi Salmon Association. Note that directions given are approximate.