New Live Release Video for Wild Atlantic Salmon

The Atlantic Salmon Federation has produced a video showing the proper techniques for releasing an Atlantic salmon.

A New Live Release Video for Wild Atlantic Salmon

Posted on April 20, 2013 by admin


In New Brunswick the 2013 Atlantic salmon angling season is already here, and elsewhere it will be starting before too long.  To go with it there is a great brand new video that lets anglers check their live release techniques.

When the Atlantic Salmon Federation conducted a survey of anglers a few years ago, asking what tool would be most useful, a good video of the best techniques for live release was the top response.

Late last summer this project came together with ASF, FQSA, and the Quebec government working together to start the project, and today, on April 20, 2013 the video sees the light of day.

Live release contributes to greater spawning success and healthier salmon runs, and is an important way anglers can contribute to conservation of the species.

To view the video go to