Press Release – Estate of Bruno Bobak

Press Release

July 22, 2013

Estate of Bruno Bobak

52 Shore Street

Fredericton NB


As a lasting contribution to New Brunswick’s famed Atlantic salmon river, the Miramichi, in which he so dearly loved to spend his fly-fishing time, the Estate of Bruno Bobak is pleased to announce a donation of more than $400,000 in public securities to the Miramichi Forever Fund being raised by the Miramichi Salmon Association in its 60th anniversary year.

“Like most anglers who pursue the Atlantic salmon, my father was completely smitten by this magnificent fish but, in the broader context, he realized that the health of the salmon runs are intricately linked to the environment as a whole,” said his son Alex Bobak of Fredericton.

“He felt that as New Brunswickers we sometimes take for granted the god given gift of the truly world class watersheds that inspired so many of his paintings. The MSA is an organization that shares his vision and, through advocacy and hands-on initiatives, is steadfastly working to preserve what he appreciated so much. It is a true pleasure to be able to assist them in this mission.”

The Miramichi Salmon Association was created in 1953 by a small group of conservation pioneers from New Brunswick and New England who shared a common bond for the Miramichi salmon, and who recognized that its conservation was to become a perpetual responsibility from generation to generation. To mark the 60th year from that beginning, the MSA has launched a long term financial campaign to ensure the preservation of the Miramichi salmon in perpetuity.

“This tremendous gift from Bruno Bobak will prove an act of conservation leadership beyond measure,” says Manley Price, chairman of the Miramichi Salmon Association. “It will contribute to conservation action both today and in the years to come, and it will especially help to inspire the spirit of environmental sustainability among all who share Bruno’s affection and respect for the Miramichi, its people and its Atlantic salmon resources.”

“We receive these funds from Bruno’s estate with deep appreciation,” said Mr. Price, “and we commit to use them in a manner that will fully respect both the memory of Bruno and the theme of our anniversary campaign – that salmon conservation is not just a concern for our time, but rather a mission that has no end, from one generation to the next, literally forever.”


Estate of Bruno Bobak – Alex Bobak (506) 450-4903

Miramichi Salmon Association – J. W. Bud Bird, Chairman Emeritus

Campaign 60 Director, (506) 457-2220; cell 447-0278