4th Annual “Jody Harrison Memorial Fall Salmon Classic”

The 4th Annual “Jody Harrison Memorial Fall Salmon Classic” was held from October 1 to October 12 (extended this year because of the very high water on the first weekend) at the Otter Brook Salmon Club. Friends of Jody got together once again to remember a great friend and celebrate his life through their great passion for the sport of Atlantic Salmon fishing. They had a great turnout and everybody had a great time, fish were caught on several rivers: Cains, Renous, MSW and of course “their river the LSW Miramichi”. The “Lunker” award was won, for the second year in a row, by Geoff Barnett who landed a 15 lb male on the Cains. The participants this year were: Chris Barnett, Jim Garland, Derrick Bathurst, Shawn Dickson, Geoff Barnett and Greg MacDonald. The group raised $225.00, which was donated to the MSA NW Smolt Study in Jody’s memory.