Where can I buy a license?

Local authorized vendors for Resident & Non-Resident Angling Licenses, Resident Hunting Licenses, and Resident Moose Draw Applications:

Sunny Corner – Sunny Corner Irving, 836-7710

Miramichi – Curtis Corner Irving, 627-1510

Miramichi – Miramichi Pronature, 622-1818

Blackville – Curtis Miramichi River Outfitters, 843-2481

Doaktown – The Ledges Inn, 365-1820

Napan – City Limits Convenience Store Ltd., 625-0434

Renous – Renous Convenience Store, 622-6561

Renous – Rightway Convenience, 627-1714

For a detailed list of vendors throughout New Brunswick click here.

You may also purchase a license online.


  1. Harold W. Small on July 6, 2017 at 3:00 pm

    Do you have 1, 2, or 3 day license?
    What type of fishing can be done?
    Where can one fish?

  2. jordan on August 27, 2018 at 9:06 pm

    what fish licenses do they sell

  3. fabian franz on May 3, 2019 at 11:48 am

    it was interesting to read your website. i will visit new brunswick this year and as a passionate salmon fisher i`m really looking forward to it. but it seems to be difficult to buy a fishing license. do i see it right:
    1. first i have to buy a state license for salmon
    2. if i´m on a river (maybe a public crown stretch) i have to buy or book a license for the stretch
    3. then i have to hire a guide for the day

    i will be with my family and it would be nice, if i could book a license from one day to the other (depending on the conditions). is that possible?
    is a guide expensive? is the public water with limited access? puh, a bit difficult to see from here:)

    best regards from germany
