Fish Friends Volunteers Needed!

Volunteers Needed

Fish Friends is an educational program delivered to grades 4, 5, and 6 in many schools in the Miramichi Watershed. Over a four-month period (March through June), students watch an egg incubation unit in which Atlantic salmon fry hatch and grow right in the classroom! Students also learn about the life cycle of salmon and other aquatic creatures in marine and freshwater ecosystems.

At the end of the program, students release their fish into designated streams.

The Fish Friends Program is looking for volunteers to take on one or two schools (or more).


  1. Visit to school the week prior to March break to set up small aquarium (provided)
  2. Visit to school to deliver salmon eggs the week after March break. Also to give a presentation to the students on the life cycle of salmon and the project (provided)
  3. Troubleshooting as required
  4. Attend school tour to hatchery and to stock fry in the river (optional)

We need volunteers like you to make sure wonderful programs like this continue.

To become a volunteer please contact Kate Flanagan at 506-622-4000 or via e-mail at