MSA President to be featured at the Saint John Union Club

Mark Hambook, MSA President, will be the key note speaker at this month’s Speaker Series Luncheon, being held at the Union Club in Saint John, N.B. on March 22, 2018. Mark will be providing an update on the status of the Miramichi River’s wild Atlantic salmon, the various threats and challenges they face, and the many programs and activities that the MSA is undertaking to protect and sustain declining population trends, including the MSA’s leadership role in the new Smolt to Adult Salmon (SAS) research program, one of four (4) key initiatives of CAST (Collaboration for Atlantic Salmon Tomorrow); a first of its kind multi-year collaborative salmon conservation/research project between public, private, academia and non-profit partners.
Live Release (003)
All are welcome and encouraged to attend and lunch includes a fabulous Salmon Pot Pie lunch along with salad, rolls and desert.
Where: Union Club, 125 Germain Street, Saint John, NB
When : 11:30 am Registration 12:00pm Lunch
Cost: $29.99++ per person or $225++ for a table of 8
Please RSVP by calling the Union Club at (506) 634-6184 or by email