2018 Art and Writing Contest Winners

For 65 years, the MSA has conducted Art and Writing contests for the schoolchildren of the Miramichi. Two years ago, the Art contest was renamed in memory of Bruno Bobak, a celebrated Canadian artist and avid fisherman. This year’s art and writing contest winners can be viewed in the following links, while past years winners can be viewed on our page. The overall art contest winner for 2018 is Gavin Wishart, from North and South Esk Elementary School. His submission (Pictured below) was chosen by Bruno’s son, Alex Bobak, to receive the honour. North and South Esk Elementary received a framed Bruno Bobak print to display in their school. Congratulations to all the winners of this years contest, and to all the participants for their works of salmon conservation!


Pictured Left: Art Contest Winner Gavin Wishart with MSA biologist Kelsey McGee and Bruno Bobak print


Pictured Right: Gavin Wisharts winning drawing


2018 Art and Writing Contest Winners:

Art |Creative WritingPrinting | Cursive Writing