MSA July Update

The beginning of July saw the last of our first feeding fry being released into the Sevogle river area marking the end of our 2018 stocking season! The MSA field crew has been quite busy scouting for small cold-water seeps along the Little Southwest River and on the main Southwest Miramichi River. The crew found areas with multiple seeps to be dug out and channelized. These seeps are a temporary solution to increase cold-water inputs in the river, but may prove to be just enough to help salmon to find refuge on very hot days. A follow-up electrofishing and temperature survey will be conducted in August to see if fish are utilizing the cold-water input. Our electrofishing program will soon be underway with focus on areas upstream of beaver dams that were removed in the 2017 field season and to also follow up on our stocking sites from the spring of 2017 and 2018.