Ice Breaker Weekend

Please join us for a fun filled weekend starting on Friday, April 26th at 9:30am with the “Science Day” at the Woodsman Museum in Boiestown, hosted by the Miramichi Watershed Management Committee and the MSA. We will have a number of speakers presenting on issues pertinent to Atlantic Salmon and the Miramichi watershed. Science day is free and there will be a complimentary lunch provided to attendees and participants. Please register with Butch by email ( or call 506-457-2233.

The following day starting at 1pm on April 27th, the MSA will be having our 66th Annual General Meeting at the Upper Miramichi Rural Community Hall. The AGM will be followed at 4:30pm by the fun-filled 23rd Annual Ice Breaker Dinner at the Woodsman Museum featuring a smoked salmon reception, silent auction, dinner and live auction. Tickets to the dinner are $60 per person. To reserve your tickets please email or call 506-457-2233.