Science Day Speakers

The Miramichi Watershed Management Committee and the Miramichi Salmon Association would like to invite you to join us for the annual Science Day in Boiestown NB!

The following is the schedule of events and list of speakers on April 26th at the Central New Brunswick Woodmen's Museum:

9:30am            Tea and Coffee

10:00am          Martin Noël, Manager, NB Department of Energy and Resource Development, Forest Development Branch
Topic: Herbicide use in NB forestry

10:30am          Gérald Chaput, Biologist, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Gulf Region
Title: “Working cooperatively towards an improved understanding of the Miramichi in the context of the North Atlantic”.

11:00am          Shawn Dalton, Owner and Senior Consultant, Thrive Consulting
Topic: Etuaptmumk: “Two-Eyed Seeing” in Natural Resource Management in NB.

11:30am          Drew Carleton, Manager, NB Department of Natural Resources, Forest Planning & Stewardship Branch
Title: Provincial Forest Health Updates with a Focus on Spruce Budworm

12:30-1:00pm LUNCH

1:00pm            David Roth, PhD Candidate, Canadian Rivers Institute, University New Brunswick
Topic: Smolt-to-Adult supplementation strategy: Experimental River Study

1:30pm            Mario Doiron, Coordinator of "The Friends of the Kouchibouguacis"
Topic: In-stream Salmon Egg Incubation

2:00pm            Antóin O’Sullivan, PhD Candidate, University New Brunswick
Topic: TBD

2:30pm            Kelsey McGee, MSA Biologist
Topic: Striped bass egg and larval survey and MSA field programs 2019.


Please register by calling Butch at 506-457-2233 or emailing him at

We look forward to seeing you there!