Atlantic Salmon Conservation Foundation funds projects

Atlantic Salmon Conservation Foundation funds projects   

Bathurst Northern Light
The Atlantic Salmon Conservation Foundation (ASCF) made this year’s Earth Day an even bigger celebration than usual for wild Atlantic Salmon supporters in New Brunswick. The Foundation announced that funding for projects to preserve wild Atlantic salmon in the province, and the number of projects funded, will more than double what they were last year.

Some 11 projects in New Brunswick will share a total of $117,770 in funding, the Honorable Rémi Bujold, chair of ASCF, announced.

The conservation work being conducted by the 11 projects in New Brunswick includes habitat assessment, restoration, rehabilitation and enhancement, monitoring salmon activities and the development of watershed management plans.

The Miramichi River watershed received support through two grants: $12,000 to the Miramichi Salmon Association for use of satellite tag technology to monitor kelt movement and water temperature preferences from the Miramichi River through the Gulf of St. Lawrence; and $10,000 to the Miramichi River Environmental Assessment Committee to evaluate the Bay du Vin river drainage basin.

In addition to the 11 New Brunswick-based projects that will receive funding, another three interprovincial initiatives also include New Brunswick. The Atlantic Salmon Federation will receive $25,000 to continue its salmon tracking research, tagging smolt and kelt in New Brunswick’s Miramichi and Restigouche Rivers and in Québec’s Grand Cascapedia River and Rivière St. Jean, and then monitoring their movements through the head of tide in the Cascapedia, Miramichi, and Restigouche rivers, Miramichi Bay, the Baie de Chaleur, the Strait of Belle Isle (Gulf of St. Lawrence) and Cabot Strait.