Newspaper Articles Re 2016 Atlantic salmon recreational fishery season…

This week saw two stories and an editorial on the 2016 Atlantic salmon recreational fishery season in the local and provincial newspapers. Liberal MP for Miramichi-Grand lake, Pat Finnegan, says that he would be surprised if the wall to wall catch and release regulations introduced last summer in response to record low fish counts ended…

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Updates Spring 2016

FISHING SEASON 2016 We are less than 2 months away from the start of the fishing season for 2016, and patiently waiting for the ice to run and the angling regulations to be announced by DFO. Final numbers for 2015 have not been released yet, but we do know that returns were much better in…

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18th Annual NSPA/MSA Conservation Dinner

The dinner will be held on Tuesday, March 15th, 2016 at the Rodd Miramichi River Resort. One of the highlights of the evening will be the presentation of the NSPA’s “Friend of the River” Award to Mr. Dewey Gillispie for his leadership role in teaching youth about the sport of salmon fishing, fly tying, and river…

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Online Survey – 2016 Atlantic Salmon Recreational Fishing Management Plan

You will find below the web link to access the online survey for the development of the 2016 Atlantic salmon Recreational Fishing Management Plan in Salmon Fishing Areas 15, 16 and 18. You are invited to distribute this link to your respective community and group membership. The consultation period ends on February 29, 2016.

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28 Reasons to Support Salmon Management and Conservation

28 Reasons to Support Salmon Management and Conservation The linked report above is a 28 point rebuttal to the recently posted web page entitled 28 Reasons to Oppose Mandatory Release of Grilse on the Miramichi River System The authors are a small, independent group of salmon anglers intent on dispelling the recent misinformation that has arisen…

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