Salmon Returns for 2013

Last week, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans released their preliminary 2013 return estimates of Atlantic salmon to the Miramichi River system. Overall, the total number of large salmon returning to the Miramichi River in 2013 was down slightly from 2012 (12,540 vs. 13,590) but the total number of grilse was up (11,760 vs. 8,282).…

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“Crown Reserve Draw closes March 7, 2014 – New Changes”

The Department of Natural Resources is implementing several changes to the Crown Reserve angling program for the 2014 season. These measures, which were developed in consultation with Crown Reserve stakeholder groups, are being implemented in order to reduce administrative costs and increase Crown Reserve utilization. The deadline for applications is March 7th and information on…

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Boston Dinner 2014 Auction Items

The Boston Dinner is almost upon us. For those attending there are a lot of great items in this year’s Live Auction – February 1, 2014. Here is a preview so that you can decide on which items you would like to bid. Know someone who isn’t attending but would like to participate? Let them…

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‘Miramichi Forever Funds’ eclipses $2-million mark

CHRIS MORRIS                                Legislature Bureau                          January 19, 2014                FREDERICTON – A campaign to raise money for long-term conservation efforts on the Miramichi River has soared past the $2-million mark and now may hit $3 million. The campaign, known as “Miramichi Forever Funds,” is being run in both Canada and the United States. It…

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MSA 60th Annual Boston Dinner – Saturday, February 1, 2014

 Please join us at the Miramichi Salmon Association’s 60th Annual Boston Dinner and Symposium.  This year we will celebrate the MSA capital campaign, “Campaign 60”, and  honor its leaders, Manley Price and Bud Bird.. The Boston Dinner generates operating funds essential for the MSA to meet its conservation goals, and is our only U.S. fundraising event.…

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