Trap and Barrier Numbers

Well on this last day of the season I do not have good news on the numbers that went through the trap on the weekend. The Millerton and Cassilis traps both had only 2-3 salmon and 1 grilse each day. Today Millerton had no salmon or grilse and about 20 bass. The Cassilis trap had…

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Trap numbers low – October 10th

Both the Millerton and Cassilis traps had very low numbers today. Three salmon were caught at the Millerton trap and one salmon was caught at the Cassilis trap. Neither trap had any grilse. We have been asked to report the striped bass numbers – Millerton caught approximately 100 bass today while Cassilis had only one.

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Trap numbers for the past weekend

Numbers are up and down at the Millerton and Cassilis traps. The numbers for the past four days (Saturday Oct 6th – Tuesday Oct 9th) are:   Cassilis Millerton Saturday 0 Grilse   1 Salmon     6 Grilse   13 Salmon Sunday 1 Grilse   1 Salmon 9 Grilse   11 Salmon Monday 1 Grilse   2 Salmon 1…

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Broodstock Collection Video – Burnt Hill Brook

The Miramichi Salmon Association works closely with government and non-government organizations to help keep the Miramichi River stocked with Atlantic salmon. JD Irving recently posted a video to Youtube discussing the broodstock collection and subsequent stocking of salmon fry at Burnt Hill Brook on the Southwest Miramichi River. MSA President Mark Hambrook describes the broodstock…

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Trap Numbers September 29th – October 5th

Numbers picked up at the Millerton trap this week though they are still not at the level everyone would like to see. There were reports of new fish being seen and caught in the Blackville area and on the Little Southwest so there is some movement. The numbers below represent the catches from Saturday September…

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