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Over the winter Atlantic salmon eggs are cared for at the Miramichi Salmon Conservation Centre as part of our Stocking Program. To learn more visit the link below.


If you notice any suspicious activity, please call DFO’s 24-hour reporting line at

River Cam

View our live river cam video feed from Bullock’s Lodge in Boiestown, New Brunswick.

Public Pools

We maintain a list of known and accessible public pools with maps and directions.

The Leaper

Our monthly newsletter keeps our supporters informed on everything happening with the MSA.


New Fish in the System

Finally some good news to report. The high water and cooler water temperatures seems to have brought in some new fish to the system. The Millerton trap was pulled on the weekend due to high water but was put back in on Monday with 4 fish caught Tuesday and 11 salmon and 11 grilse caught…


1964 MSA Contest Winners

A copy of the Daily Gleaner printed on June 4th 1964 arrived in the office today courtesy of Rick Cunjak. On page 17 was a great story entitled Miramichi Salmon Association’s 1964 Contest Concludes. Many of the winners names are familiar and of special note is the eight year old winner – Debbie Blackmore of…