Rocky Brook Camp Thank you Letter

On March 8, 1980 my sister, Lynn and her fiancé, Folke were shot in Louisiana by a gunman (mistaken identity). The 1st bullet caused my then 19 year old sister to be a paraplegic. Folke bravely protected her from further bullets by lying on top of her. He also received bullets and lost part of a kidney causing them both to be in intensive care at a local hospital in Baton Rouge until they were transported to St. Michael’s hospital in Toronto. That was 35 years ago. A lot of good things happened after that…They married that Christmas…Moved to Sweden where they have made their home…and exactly 5 years to the day, theIr daughter, Patricia was born…elaine-falls-brook
Although Lynn has lived in Sweden for the past 34 1/2 years she is very proud to be a Canadian. Last Friday she was overwhelmed by the act of kindness from the group from Rocky Brook who built a chariot and gave her the surprise of a lifetime . Mark Moir deserves extra praise for arranging everything. Fall Brook Falls is one of Mother Nature’s gems. After all these years, my beautiful sister was able to see it! We are all so proud of Lynn and her amazing husband, who by the way, has recently overcome 3 major heart surgeries, including an aortic dissection. Folke, Patricia and her fiancée, Stephanie England, all of the sisters and their spouses, nieces and nephews were able to join her on this wonderful surprise. Thanks again, Mark Moir and the other Rocky Brook staff!

Elaine Hurley Wilson


  1. Nilah Lyver on September 21, 2016 at 3:49 pm

    This was such a kind act by the empoyees of Rocky Brook Camp, just one of the many touching stories you hear about the kind people living in the area. I was so happy to hear that Lynn got to go on this wonderful adventure with all her amazing family.

  2. bunni clowater on September 24, 2016 at 10:05 am

    leave it to mark, and his thoughtfulness to make this happen for you I’m so happy he did this so you could see our beauty here did you feel like a movie starr you look like one .bunni

  3. Ellen Nagle on September 24, 2016 at 6:45 pm

    What an awesome story. Triumphs and Tradgidies!! It sure made my eyes tear up.

  4. Holly Bruce on September 24, 2016 at 8:27 pm

    Mark, I have always known you have a wonderful heart, but this is a truly special thing for you to have arranged for Lynn! Glad you ALL had great day, the falls are truly wonderful!!!

  5. Shelley Rodgers on September 25, 2016 at 4:40 am

    Proud of you, Mark Moir, and not a bit surprised that you made it all happen!!

  6. Fred and Velma Munn on September 25, 2016 at 8:28 am

    Such a great story,we got to speak to Lynn and give her a Hug on September 11,when the family was visiting her mother.Lynn is still as Beautiful as ever.