Students release fish at end of school project

The Miramichi Salmon Conservation Centre provided salmon eggs to 16 schools in the Miramichi area this past March. The students release the fish at the end of the school year and most visit the salmon hatchery for a tour and lunch.

Rachel Blowers releasing her fry

Rachel Blowers releasing her fry

Students release fish at end of school project


METEPENAGIAG – Grade 2 to 4 students from Metepenagiag School were excited and a little sad to release the salmon they have been taking care of since March. Students received the salmon eggs after March Break and have kept a close watch on them ever since, watching them transform from eyed eggs to fry. Last Monday, June 18, on the shores of the Little Southwest Miramichi River under Somers’ Bridge, students lined up with their cups to scoop up fry and then release them into the river, knowing they gave the fish a good start. Salmon lay thousands of eggs, but only a handful make it to adulthood. Grade 5 and 6 students also took part in the event, helping the younger students release the fry. The project was part of the Fish Friends Program, which taught the students about salmon.