Why contribute to the MSA US Investment Fund?

The MSA (US) established the US Investment Fund to provide long-term financial support and stability for the Miramichi Salmon Association's operations. In this way, contributions to the US Investment Fund will provide ongoing support for salmon conservation for many years to come.

All contributions to the US Investment Fund are made to the MSA (US) and are eligible for a US tax-deductible receipt. All revenue generated from the US Investment Fund is used exclusively for the support of scientific, conservation, and education programs operated by the MSA in Canada.The MSA (US) Board of Directors has exclusive control over the timing and amount of expenditures from the US Investment Fund.

How do I contribute?

To contribute by mail:
Make all cheques payable to Miramichi Salmon Association (US) and send to Box 10986 Portland, ME 04104

To contribute online, please complete the form below: