Spotlight on Guide, Camp Manager/Owner Mervin Green

When first arriving at Mervin Green’s home I was fully expecting to hear some great fishing tales about guiding on the Miramichi River. What I walked away with was 3 hours of stories about adventures across Canada and reasons why women are the best fisherman to guide. Although born in Saskatchewan in 1934 Mervin’s family…

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Striped Bass Fisheries Reopened on the Northwest Miramichi

DFO has reopened the Striped Bass Fisheries on the Northwest Miramichi with the new daily catch limit of two fish per day starting June 15th, 2017 and ending September 1st, 2017. For the full details on the Striped Bass Regulations for 2017 please visit the DFO website here.

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MSA’s 8th Annual First Cast June 24-25

Do you love fly fishing and have a child or grandchild with whom you’d like to share the fun and satisfaction of the sport? Have you a friend who has often said, “I’d love to take up fly fishing for Atlantic salmon, but I don’t know where to start”? If so, on Saturday, June 24…

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MSA Pub Night Miramichi

Pop By the Boulevard Pub at 122 Newcastle Blvd. in Miramichi, NB on Thursday May 25th  and hear all about what new and exciting projects MSA is working on. For just $10 you get a pint, some finger foods and a raffle ticket. 

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