MSA Online Auction

The MSA is pleased to announce that it has just launched an MSA On-Line Auction, featuring an all-inclusive trip for 6 rods, for 3 full days, to Mountain Channel, one of the best salmon fishing stretches on the SW Miramichi River this year! All you have to do is grab a few friends/couples and go! The…

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Recent Newspaper Articles – April 24th 2015

Work to solve salmon problem can’t all be done in-house – April 21st 2015 Catch-and-release only part of the solution – editorial April 13th 2015 First Nation wants trade-off for salmon netting – April 12th 2015 Catch and release regulation a good first step in dealing with salmon crisis – April 10th 2015 City blown…

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Minister Shea Announces the Creation of a Ministerial Advisory Committee on Atlantic Salmon

Pleased to share that earlier today, the Honourable Gail Shea, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, along with Tilly O’Neill-Gordon, Member of Parliament for Miramichi, announced the creation of a new Ministerial Advisory Committee on Atlantic salmon to help determine the course of action to address low returns of Atlantic salmon on the East coast. This action by Minister Shea…

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MSA News and Barrier Counts

Some good news this week from the Millerton trap. On Sunday 47 grilse and 25 salmon were put through the trap and on Monday 20 grilse and 17 salmon went through. Cassilis also saw a small increase with 5 grilse and 5 salmon being put through on Sunday. These fish did not have lice on…

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