Salmon Broodstock Collection Begins

Each year the Miramichi Salmon Association gathers wild adult salmon for spawning at the Miramichi Salmon Conservation Centre. This is a great opportunity to volunteer in a fun activity to help the MSA gather these fish. To find out when we are collecting and how to volunteer go here.

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Very Few New Fish at Barriers as of September 9th

Very few new fish arrived at the Northwest and Dungarvon Barriers this past week. Five new fish moved in at  the Northwest Barrier giving a total of 284 compared to 921 (up 61) the same time last year . Brook trout numbers are still down as well. Totals as of September 9th are shown below.…

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Barrier Numbers Remain Low – September 2nd

Barrier numbers remain low but with a little rain everyone remains hopeful that a fall run of salmon will enter the river soon.. Salmon and grilse now total 279 (up 10 from last week) at  the Northwest Barrier compared to 860 (up 50) the same time last year . Brook trout numbers are down as…

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12 Cold Water Pools to Open Monday September 3rd

DFO has issued a variation order which opens 12 of the 15 cold water pools closed in July – it will take effect on Monday September 3rd. Three pools will remain closed – Indiantown Brook, Sutherland Brook, and Wilson Brook (Bear’s Den). You can view the DFO variation order at Have a great long…

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Barrier Numbers August 20th – 26th, 2012

Barrier numbers are still low in comparison to the same time last year at both the Northwest and the Dungarvon Barriers. Salmon and grilse now total 269 (up 11 from last week) at  the Northwest Barrier compared to 810 the same time last year. Brook trout numbers are down as well. Totals as of August…

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