CAST Update to Stakeholders

On Tuesday, May 21st,  UNB PhD Candidates and graduate students presented the many interesting projects that are taking place on the Miramichi River and Tributaries. The Canadian Rivers Institute, UNB and CAST group explained their 7 Projects that are happening on the river this season as well one future project concerning sea-run trout in the Juniper area and a stream crossing project on the Restigouche River. Representatives from MSA, ACOA and the Province of New Brunswick were present. Stay tuned as we will be posting presentations daily on our Youtube Channel.

ARIS sonars and underwater cameras in the MIrmaichi Rover: species diversity, automation, and length measurement accuracy
Jani Helminen; PhD Candidate, University of New Brunswick

Contrasting roles for river thermal resilience in contrasting geologic units
Antoin O'Sullivan, PhD Candidate, University of New Brunswick

Adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) summer migration and behaviour in the Northwest Miramichi
Ryan Carrow; MSc Candidate. University of New Brunswick

Update on Smolt-to-Adult Supplementation logistics; Fish husbandry operations by Miramichi Salmon Association
Holly Labadie, Assistant Hatchery Manager, Miramichi Salmon Association

Identifying stream crossing in forested landscapes using a LiDAR and GIS model
Michael Arsenault; MSc Candidate, University of New Brunswick

Development and validation of a low density SNP array for parentage based tagging of Atlantic Salmon in the Miramichi River
Dr. Kyle Wellband; University of Laval

Smolt-to-Adult-Supplementation (SAS) for Atlantci salmon: Experimental River & Laboratory Experiment
David Roth; PhD Candidate, University of New Brunswick

Spatial and temporal movement of anadromous brook trout from two tributaries of the Miramichi River
Craig Wall, Masters Student, UNB