DFO Report: Atlantic Salmon Assessment in Gulf Region Areas for 2020 and 2021
DFO recently released the 2020 and 2021 salmon numbers. We are pleased to see a slight increase in 2021 numbers over 2020 and 2019 numbers, but there is still an overall trend of decreasing populations. To read the full report, please click the link below: View DFO Report
Read MorePress Release: Miramichi River Stories video series
The MSA Communications Committee has launched an initiative to gather and preserve the oral history of the Miramichi as told by local icons, and to document the long and storied relationship between the local community, the MSA, and Atlantic Salmon. “These wonderful stories tell about the pleasure and peace that being on the river can…
Read MorePress Release: Announcing Ellie Smallwood as first recipient of Brian D. Moore Legacy Fund
Ellie Smallwood, a second-year student at Mount Allison University, was named the first student through the Brian D. Moore Legacy Fund. The Brian D. Moore Legacy Fund was established by a group of Saint John-area MSA Directors in 2021 to honour past MSA Chair and long-time MSA Director Brian Moore and his lifelong dedication to…
Read MoreDFO Recreational Fisheries Questionnaire
Below is a link to a DFO Questionnaire regarding Atlantic salmon and striped bass in the Gulf Region. This survey will help them determine management measures for both species. Click Here to Complete Survey
Read MoreA message from Robyn
Dear MSA Members and Supporters, It is with great sadness I share the news of Mike Crosby’s passing. Mike was a director with MSA and heavily involved in the Atlantic Salmon community. Personally, Mike was a big help as I started my position with MSA, and was always kind and encouraging. MSA will certainly feel his…
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