Salmon in Crisis – Press Release

SOUTH ESK, NB – – The mighty Miramichi River is legendary for its wild Atlantic salmon and the camps along the iconic river that have sustained generations of families. Today the salmon, and those who depend on it for their living, are in crisis.  Striped bass populations have exploded with the undesired side effect of…

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Temporary closure of Salmon pools on the Miramichi River

Moncton – July 4, 2018 – Fisheries and Oceans Canada wishes to inform the public that the following 26 salmon fishing pools will be closed to angling for all species of fish, due to high water temperature and low water levels. This closure will be starting Thursday, July 5, 2018 and will continue until conditions improve, as per the…

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Field Season Update June 2018

This past month has gone by in a flash and we have had a very busy field crew here at the MSA. June started with the extraction of our smolt wheels from the Little Southwest Miramichi River after collecting a total of 5000 smolt for the Smolt to Adult Supplementation program. For two weeks we…

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CAST Update June 2018

CAST (Collaboration for Atlantic Salmon Tomorrow) – UNB Over the last week, CAST and MSA staff have been deploying/fishing a fyke net in hopes to capture summer run Atlantic salmon in the Northwest Miramichi (above Trout Brook) and Little Southwest Miramichi (Above Upper Oxbow Fishing Adventures Lodge). The fish that are successfully caught will be…

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2018 Art and Writing Contest Winners

For 65 years, the MSA has conducted Art and Writing contests for the schoolchildren of the Miramichi. Two years ago, the Art contest was renamed in memory of Bruno Bobak, a celebrated Canadian artist and avid fisherman. This year’s art and writing contest winners can be viewed in the following links, while past years winners…

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