No improvement in salmon and grilse numbers at barriers

The numbers of salmon and grilse that have landed at the Northwest and Dungarvon Barriers are still down in comparison to the same time last year. The Northwest Barrier has seen only 216 salmon and grilse compared to 710 the same time last year. Brook trout numbers are down as well. Totals as of July…

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Reward Offered for Salmon Tag

In April 2012, the Miramichi Salmon Association (MSA), in partnership with the Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) tagged 10 large Atlantic salmon kelt with pop-up satellite tags in an effort to help determine where these fish are migrating and feeding when they return to the ocean and where losses are occurring. Nine of the ten tagged…

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Salmon and Grilse numbers still down at barriers as of July 15th

The numbers of salmon and grilse that have landed at the Northwest and Dungarvon Barriers are still down in comparison to the same time last year. The Northwest Barrier has seen only 176 salmon and grilse compared to 611 the same time last year. Brook trout numbers are down as well. Totals as of July…

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Efforts to protect salmon continue

by everett mosher Times & transcript 03 Jul 2012 10:27AM This spring salmon anglers were very concerned about the large number of striped bass spawning in the lower section of the Miramichi River. Indeed, it appears that anglers were not at all happy that instead of hooking salmon or trout they were pulling in striped…

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Students release fish at end of school project

The Miramichi Salmon Conservation Centre provided salmon eggs to 16 schools in the Miramichi area this past March. The students release the fish at the end of the school year and most visit the salmon hatchery for a tour and lunch. Students release fish at end of school project Contributed 29 Jun 2012 08:28AM…

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