Striped bass spawning ground angling closure in the Northwest Miramichi River from May 28 to June 1, 2020

Moncton, New Brunswick – May 27, 2020 - Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) announced the dates of the closure of angling during the Striped bass spawning period in 2020 in a portion of the Northwest Miramichi River.

From May 28 to June 1, 2020, all angling will be prohibited from the bridge in Red Bank downriver approximately 6.5 km, to a line located in front of Williamstown Road and defined by two points as indicated on the following map:

Legend: The map below shows a close-up view of the Northwest Miramichi River in the Red Bank to Cassilis area. The Red Bank bridge is visible on the lower left side of the map, and on the right side, the downstream boundary of the angling closure is indicated with a black line drawn between two points located about 6.5 km downriver from the bridge, in front of Williamstown road. The zone that will be closed is marked in red. Coordinates of the two points defining the line are: 46°57’26.265"N/ -65°45'18.871"N (north shore); and 46°57'2.992"N/ -65°45'4.531"W (south shore) (NAD 83)


The Northwest Miramichi River estuary is the only confirmed successful spawning ground for Striped bass in the entire southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, as established by DFO science. The closure of all angling in the area and during the time when the Striped bass are most concentrated and actively spawning aims at ensuring the best success of spawning activities and the continuous health of the Striped bass stock in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. With the exception of the area described above, the recreational fishery will remain open throughout the Miramichi river system during the Striped bass spawning period.

Please refer to Gulf Variation Order 2020-044 for further details. The Orders Registry is available online at: Orders Registry - Order summaries for existing fisheries

Anyone wishing to report suspicious fishing activity anonymously is asked to contact the nearest Fisheries and Oceans Canada office or to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

See the Notice to recreational anglers on the Striped bass fishery in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence in 2020

For more information on this fishery, please contact:

Mathieu Vienneau
A/Regional Senior Fisheries Management Officer
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Moncton, New Brunswick


  1. Norman Ward on May 30, 2020 at 5:27 pm

    I have a question concerning the Northwest Miramichi River estuary being listed as the only confirmed sucessful spawnjg ground for stiped bass in the entire southern Gulf of St Lawerence, as established by DFO science-my question is why is tbe Norhwest Miramichi still the only river listed a sucessful.spawning area for striped bass in the entire Southern Gulf of St Lawerence? Surveys have been done by the Miramichi Salmon Association where eggs, larvae and juvenile striped bass have been found in the Southwest Miramichi as well as the Tabusintac river which prove that successful.spawning is occuring in other rivers besides the Northwest Miramichi The amount of spawning activity occuring in the Southwest Miramichi has been increasing every year and taking place further and further upriver each season as well The results of the surveys done on the Southwest Miramichi and the Tabusintac have been confirmed by DFOs own Scott Douglas If I remember correctly, I had a conversation with Scott Douglas in 2012 or 2013 while I worked as the Fisheries Coordinator here in Red Bank where he stated that it had been many years since DFO had conducted any studies or surveys of their own looking to see if bass were successfully spawning in other rivers that have historically supported successful.spawning so i am also wondering if DFO is planning on conducting their own surveys/studies to look for evidence of this There are many rivers in NB where spawning activity has been observed so why has it been so long since DFO has done any of their own studies/surveys to look for evidence of successful striped bass spawning? Other rivers in NB such as the Saint John, Kenebecasis, Nepisiquit, Richibucto, Kouchibouquac, Bartibogue etc have had striped bass spawning activity occuring over the past several years so is DFO planning on looking for evidence of succesful striped bass spawning in any of these rivers