Barriers – Still Little Change as of Sept 16th

Again last week there were very few new fish at the Northwest and Dungarvon Barriers.

Three new fish moved in at  the Northwest Barrier giving a total of 287 compared to 941 (up 20) the same time last year . Brook trout numbers are still down as well. Totals as of September 16th are shown below.

  Grilse  (to 63 cm) Small Salmon (64-84 cm)  Large Salmon (>84 cm)   Total Small &  Large    All  Atlantic Salmon Brook Trout
2012 Total to Date     159      72     56     128     287   768
Previous Year     711      154     76     230     941   1239


The Dungarvon Barrier had one new fish arrive at the barrier this past week. Numbers still total 242 compared to 794 (up 25 over the week) the same time last year. Brook trout numbers also remained the same with 68 arriving to date compared to 34 in 2011.

  Grilse  (to 63 cm) Small Salmon (64-84 cm)  Large Salmon (>84 cm)   Total Small &  Large    All  Atlantic Salmon Brook Trout
2012 Total to Date
    135      37      70     107      242    68
Previous Year     550      80      164     244      794    34

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