Call for a ‘Wild Atlantic Salmon Action Plan’

With the 19th Annual Fredericton Conservation Dinner as the platform, the MSA and ASF made a joint public call for immediate action to address the crisis facing the survival of our wild Atlantic salmon. In their respective addresses, MSA Chairman David Wilson and ASF President Bill Taylor called on the Prime Minister to establish a Wild Atlantic Salmon Action Plan and to appoint a task force that would ensure its development and implementation. This call to action was covered extensively by the media throughout the Maritimes, which has helped greatly in communicating the dire condition our salmon populations are in and the need for immediate action if we are to sustain the already threatening low returns of fish, particularly in the Miramichi. Over coming weeks and months, the MSA and ASF will continue to push for action and support from both Federal and Provincial governments. Read David Wilson and Bill Taylor’s respective presentations –  A Call for Action – The Wild Atlanic Salmon Action Plan