Cassilis Trap Numbers Up; Millerton Down

The Cassilis trap seems to be steadily increasing in numbers of salmon and grilse being caught each day. The Millerton trap however seems to be trailing off.

The weekend catch is as follows:

  Cassilis Millerton
Saturday       1 Grilse   1 Salmon       3 Grilse   2 Salmon      
Sunday 2 Grilse   4 Salmon 1 Grilse   0 Salmon
Monday 3 Grilse   5 Salmon 0 Grilse   3 Salmon

As mentioned, the traps catch about 7 percent of the fish traveling by them. So the 3 salmon that went through the Millerton trap today represent approximately 43 salmon in total. A “normal” catch at the traps when the run is on would be up to 20 fish per day or more.