DFO Issues Variation Order: Closure June 5-9 for striped bass spawning

Notice Striped bass spawning ground angling closure in the Northwest Miramichi River from June 5 to June 9, 2019 Moncton, New Brunswick – June 4, 2019 – Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) announced the dates of the closure of angling during the striped bass spawning period in 2019 in a portion of the Northwest Miramichi River.…

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Join our team!

We are looking for an Administrative Assistant! If you have the skills and qualifications listed below send your resume our way!   Administrative Assistant – Membership The Miramichi Salmon Association (MSA) is seeking a qualified candidate to fill a part-time position to assist with the administration and office duties associated with its annual membership and…

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DFO Announcement: Government of Canada invests in science and shared stewardship to conserve and rebuild wild Atlantic Salmon stocks

Government of Canada invests in science and shared stewardship to conserve and rebuild wild Atlantic Salmon stocks From: Fisheries and Oceans Canada News release May 27, 2019 South Esk, New Brunswick – Wild Atlantic salmon is a keystone species, integral to the history and culture of many Atlantic Canadians communities. However, in many geographic areas, Atlantic salmon…

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CAST Update to Stakeholders

On Tuesday, May 21st,  UNB PhD Candidates and graduate students presented the many interesting projects that are taking place on the Miramichi River and Tributaries. The Canadian Rivers Institute, UNB and CAST group explained their 7 Projects that are happening on the river this season as well one future project concerning sea-run trout in the…

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Science Day Speakers

The Miramichi Watershed Management Committee and the Miramichi Salmon Association would like to invite you to join us for the annual Science Day in Boiestown NB! The following is the schedule of events and list of speakers on April 26th at the Central New Brunswick Woodmen’s Museum: 9:30am            Tea and Coffee 10:00am          Martin Noël, Manager,…

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