MSA Board Receives Update on Proposed Energy East Pipeline

Senior Managers from TransCanada Energy East Pipeline outlined their company’s updated plans for the New Brunswick portion of the TransCanada East Pipeline to the Miramichi Salmon Association’s Board of Directors at their annual mid-winter meeting, held this past weekend in Burlington, Mass. In addition to summarizing TransCanada’s experience and best practices in pipeline construction and…

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Minister Shea Announces the Creation of a Ministerial Advisory Committee on Atlantic Salmon

Pleased to share that earlier today, the Honourable Gail Shea, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, along with Tilly O’Neill-Gordon, Member of Parliament for Miramichi, announced the creation of a new Ministerial Advisory Committee on Atlantic salmon to help determine the course of action to address low returns of Atlantic salmon on the East coast. This action by Minister Shea…

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What’s happening to the salmon?

LORI GALLAGHER Fredericton Daily Gleaner   December 11, 2014 This is a critical time for salmon, say members of the board of the Miramichi Salmon Association. “We’re lobbying intensely, the MSA working with the Atlantic Salmon Federation, to get the prime minister to declare a crisis in the Atlantic salmon because we’re just not getting the…

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Donnelly Brook Project Completed

Completed at the end of September, the MSA’s new Donnelly Brook project is the first of what is hoped to be many more cold-water enhancement projects throughout the watershed. This flagship project, located at the confluence of Donnelly Brook and the SW Miramichi (located near Upper Blackville), focused on enhancing the cold-water inputs/influences the brook…

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