Donnelly Brook Project Completed

Completed at the end of September, the MSA’s new Donnelly Brook project is the first of what is hoped to be many more cold-water enhancement projects throughout the watershed. This flagship project, located at the confluence of Donnelly Brook and the SW Miramichi (located near Upper Blackville), focused on enhancing the cold-water inputs/influences the brook has on the Atlantic salmon pool it flows into just downriver. This was accomplished by using heavy equipment to realign the water flow of Donnelly Brook out into the SW Miramichi River by way of narrowing the mouth of the brook, removing a built up gravel bar, and installing (burying) 3 rock spurs.


Donnelly Brook - Before

Donnelly Brook – Before

Donnelly Brook - After

Donnelly Brook – After

This $35,000 habitat enhancement project was cost shared between MSA Campaign 60, and DFO’s Recreational Fisheries Partnership Program and the New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund.