Fishing Restriction Lifted

DFO has issued a Variation Order and Notice to Fish Harvesters announcing the reopening of the daily angling to all species on the Miramichi River system starting on Saturday August 25, 2012.

Please note the 15 salmon pools closed on July 27, 2012, remain in effect until further notice.

Moncton Aug 23rd, 2012

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) today announces that angling for all species on the Miramichi River system will reopen everyday two hours before sunrise until two hours after sunset as prescribed in the Maritime Provinces Fisheries Regulations, starting Saturday, August 25th, 2012.

Pools and areas previously closed to angling (see notice to Fish Harvesters dated July 27th, 2012) will remain closed for all species during the entire day.

Please refer to Gulf Variation Order 2012-068 for further details. The Fisheries Closures / Variation Orders Registry are available online at