Northwest and Dungarvon Barrier Reports – June 17th, 2012

The barriers and trap on the Northwest Miramichi were installed on May 28th, 2012 and the counting of fish started at 11:00am on the 29th. Sixty five brook trout moved in the first week which was earlier than last year. As of June 17th, 447 trout were counted, compared to 731 the same time last year. The first salmon arrived on June 11th and as of the 17th there were 5 grilse and 32 salmon on site. This is down from last year when at this time 21 grilse and 28 salmon, for a total of 49, had arrived.The number of salmon is up slightly however.

The upper barrier at the Dungarvon was installed on May 28th, 2012 and the lower barrier and trap were installed on the 29th. On May 30th the trap was opened and the crew started counting fish at 11:00 am. The first salmon arrived on May 31st. Salmon and grilse numbers are down greatly compared to last year with only 10 grilse and 10 salmon counted as of June 17th. Last year 37 grilse and 62 salmon had arrived by this time for a total of 99. Brook trout numbers are up slightly with 27 arriving to date this year compared to 10 in 2011.