Rivers Open to Morning Fishing Only Starting August 5th.

DFO has issued a variation order closing rivers to angling with artificial fly daily beginning at 10:00 hrs each day until 05:00 hrs the following day.

Thus, anglers are allowed morning fishing only, from 5:00 am until 10:00 am.

This Order shall come into force beginning at 14:00 hrs on August 5, 2012, and remains in force, unless otherwise revoked.

This order affects the following river stretches:

Main Southwest Miramichi River upstream from a line drawn at the mouth of Doyles Brook from grid reference 20 T 294098E 5191992N to grid reference 20 T 294155E 5192359N, Northumberland County, to the junction of the North Branch Southwest Miramichi River and South Branch Southwest Miramichi River, Carleton County, not including tributaries.

South Branch Southwest Miramichi River, upstream to the highway bridge at Juniper, not including tributaries.

North Branch Southwest Miramichi River, upstream to the Miramichi River deadwaters.

Waters of the Northwest Miramichi River from the Red Bank/Sunny Corner highway bridge upstream to a point 200 meters upstream of the junction of the Northwest Miramichi and the South branch Northwest Miramichi.

Big Sevogle River, including the North Branch of Big Sevogle River and South Branch of Big Sevogle River, but not including tributaries of those rivers.

Little Southwest Miramichi River, not including tributaries.

Cains River, from its mouth to its confluence with Beaver Brook, not including tributaries.

Renous River, from its confluence with the Main Southwest Miramichi River upstream to the route # 8 Highway bridge.

Renous River, upstream from the route # 8 Highway bridge, not including tributaries.

South Branch Renous River, upstream to the Highway 108 bridge, not including tributaries.

North Branch Renous River, upstream to North Renous Lake, not including tributaries.

Dungarvon River, upstream to grid reference 19 T 684990E 5181259N, not including tributaries.

Bartholomew River, from its confluence with the Main Southwest Miramichi River upstream to the Route # 8 Highway Bridge.

Bartholomew River, from the Route # 8 Highway Bridge upstream to Leadbetter Brook, not including tributaries.

To view the variation order in its entirety visit the DFO Gulf Region Website.