18% of smolts in NW Miramichi being eaten by Striped Bass

The MSA expended a significant amount of personnel, equipment, and over $150,000 toward this project. Be sure to read "Estimating consumption rate of Atlantic Salmon smolts by Striped Bass in the Miramichi River estuary using acoustic telemetry." 
In some years, it has been confirmed that up to 18% of the salmon smolts in the the Northwest Miramichi River are being eaten by the Striped Bass.

You can read the full study here. 

Estimating consumption rate of Atlantic Salmon smolts (Salmo salar) by Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) in the Miramichi River estuary using acoustic telemetry

MSA Smolt Wheel and Scow

MSA Smolt Wheel and Scow


  1. Jim Weaver on April 22, 2018 at 11:41 pm

    18 per cent is awfully on the low side. Use a parr for bait and see how long it is before a bass hits it.