Tilly O’Neill Gordon, MP to receive “Friend of the River” Award

PRESS RELEASE – February 9, 2015



Tilly O’Neill Gordon, MP to receive “Friend of the River” Award

The Northumberland Salmon Protection Association (NSPA) will present its distinguished ’Friend of the River Award’ to Tilly O’Neill Gordon, MP for Miramichi, NB at its upcoming 17th Annual Gala Dinner, being held on February 17th, 2015 at the Rodd Miramichi Resort.

This prestigious award recognizes individuals and companies that have made significant and long-standing contributions to the ongoing effort to conserve the Miramichi River’s iconic, yet seriously threatened, wild Atlantic salmon population. “Tilly has been quietly working on behalf of our cherished salmon for many years” says Debbie Norton, NSPA President. “Most recently, she helped secure federal funding support to enhance important Atlantic salmon habitat throughout the Miramichi, and was also instrumental in the creation of a new Ministerial Advisory Committee on Atlantic salmon, which will help determine the course of action to address low returns of Atlantic salmon on the East coast, including in the Miramichi watershed. Our salmon are in real trouble, with runs the last 3-years being at all-time historic lows. Thanks to Tilly’s support and contributions, the Federal Government is now taking some positive steps to reverse this very frightening trend. Tilly is certainly a Friend of the River and of our Miramichi salmon” says Norton.

“It’s a real honour to be recognized by the NSPA” says O’Neill Gordon. “Having lived and worked all my life in the Miramichi, I completely understand and appreciate the cultural importance and tremendous socio-economic value of the River and its salmon, including the $20 million recreational fishery they support. We all need to do what we can to sustain our cherished Miramichi salmon, and I’m committed and pleased to do all I can to support that effort”.

The NSPA Gala Fundraising Dinner is being held jointly with the Miramichi Salmon Association (MSA). The evening will begin at 6:00PM with a social gathering and opportunities to participate in raffles and a Silent Auction. A Rodd’s signature roast beef buffet will be served at 7:00 PM, followed by the formal presentation of Awards. A Live Auction of unique fishing trips and sporting merchandise will conclude the evening. Tickets are $50 each and can be acquired by calling the MSA at either 506-622-4000 or 506-457-2220.

For further information, please contact:

Debbie Norton, NSPA President – 506-627-6492

Mark Hambrook, MSA President – 506-622-4000

Tilly O’Neill Gordon – 506-778-8448


The Northumberland Salmon Protection Association (NSPA) works diligently to preserve the wild Atlantic salmon throughout the Miramichi watershed.

The Miramichi Salmon Association (MSA), established in 1963, provides global class leadership, stewardship and conservation practices for the Miramichi Watershed to continuously preserve and advance its environmental integrity for the benefit of all species, in particular the wild Atlantic Salmon.