Trap Numbers September 29th – October 5th

Numbers picked up at the Millerton trap this week though they are still not at the level everyone would like to see. There were reports of new fish being seen and caught in the Blackville area and on the Little Southwest so there is some movement. The numbers below represent the catches from Saturday September 29th to Friday October 5th.

  Cassilis Millerton
Saturday 1 Grilse   1 Salmon   3 Grilse    2 Salmon     
Sunday 2 Grilse   4 Salmon 1 Grilse    0 Salmon
Monday 3 Grilse   5 Salmon 0 Grilse    3 Salmon
Tuesday 2 Grilse   3 Salmon 0 Grilse    2 Salmon
Wednesday 4 Grilse   2 Salmon 17 Grilse  11 Salmon
Thursday 1 Grilse   4 Salmon 2 Grilse    8 Salmon
Friday 1 Grilse   2 Salmon 2 Grilse    13 Salmon