Volunteer opportunity with MSA/ASF to help angle for kelt!


As part of an ongoing multi-year study, the MSA and the Atlantic Salmon Federation will be working together to study the river and ocean movements of adult Atlantic salmon. Kelt from the Northwest River will be tagged and tracked using acoustic and satellite transmitters.

There’s just one little hiccup with our study… we need to catch them first. But that’s where you come in! On April 27th and 28th we would like to invite anyone who can help to come catch some fish with us. We’ll be set up at the Red Bank boat launch, starting each day at 9:00AM. Rain day will be May 1st.

Whether you’d like to see some fish tagging in action, be part of a scientific study, or just have fun catching fish, it would be great to see you there! If you can help, or have any questions about volunteering, please contact our biologist Holly Labadie by email or call (506) 622-4000. For more information on the kelt tracking project please click here.